We are your contact when it comes to ski rental!
Ski hire MIETSKI.COMImprintCompany Overview


is an online shop of

Bründlstraße 39
4190 Bad Leonfelden

You can contact us from
Mo.- Sa.: 08:30 - 18:00
Sun.: 09:00 - 18:00

Information, queries and complaints to: kundenservice@mietski.com
Internet: www.mietski.com/en

Telephone: +43 7213 21200

UID (VAT Number): ATU63757278

Head office: 4190 Bad Leonfelden
Legal form: GmbH
Company registration at: Handelsgericht Innsbruck
FN: 301320v

Responsible regulating authority
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Schwaz
Franz-Josef-Str. 25, A-6130 Schwaz

Chamber of Commerce / Occupational Union
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Wien

Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Fachgruppe Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft
Meinhardstraße 12, A-6020 Innsbruck

Applicable as mandated by trade law
Trade law

Voluntary code of conduct: www.guetezeichen.at

Disclosure according to media law §25: Publisher, editor and issuer: MIETSKI.COM GMBH
Address: 4190 Bad Leonfelden, Bründlstraße 39, Österreich

CEO: David Wolfart

Proprietor: David Wolfart, Markus Scalet, Stefan Deschka
Media: Online Skiverleih und Information
Type of business:
Tourism services, rental of equipment

Legal notice: MIETSKI.COM GMBH acccepts no responsibillity for the accuracy, completeness & integrity of the information provided. All documents and other material (e.g. photos) posted on our website are subject to copyright. Any use beyond personal or information (e.g. commercial use) is stricty prohibited. MIETSKI.COM GMBH is not responsible for any content of external links. Furthermore MIETSKI.COM GMBH is entitled to change the content of this website at anytime and without prior notice.

Informationspflicht lt ECG und Mediengesetz

Disclosure requirements have been made according to these laws:
Trade Register Law 2007 (UGB)
Media Law incl. novelle 2006 (§25)
E-Commerce-Law (ECG)
Trade Law (GO)


Please enter a maximum hire duration of 14 days